Posted March. 01, 2013 07:20,
The governments news briefings to media are the most important communication channel between the administration and the people. The presidential spokesmans briefing delivers government policies efficiently to the people and collects public opinions real-time.
Developed countries have had an open news briefing system for a long time. The spokesmans regular briefing is held every day and has a Q&A session on issues related to all countries. These countries have no taboos or bans in the sessions.
In the U.S., the White House`s news briefing is held from 11 a.m. to noon daily considering reporters deadlines. Reporters discuss how to assign questions and ask questions in the media room in the basement of the West Wing.
Their sharp and tricky questions can put the spokesman in a tough spot. He or she never says no comment or answers briefly, but tries to deliver information as much as possible given the peoples right to know.
One or two hours after a briefing, the verbatim script is posted on the White House`s homepage. The White House press secretary has perhaps the toughest position in the White House, with Jay Carney saying Wednesday, The governments role is to do its best to satisfy reporters access to information.
In Japan, the Prime Ministers Office hosts two regular briefings (11 a.m. and 4 p.m.) a day. A briefing ends when reporters have no further questions. A session can take as little as 20 minutes or up to one hour if an issue arises. The office`s website offers briefing clips and transcripts. Freelance reporters can also participate in briefings every Friday.
Japans chief cabinet secretary is equal to Korea`s presidential chief of staff plus a spokesman. The secretary uses his fifth floor office with the prime minister. As he or she participates in making every decision in the Cabinet, the secretary is often deemed the prime minister`s second in command.
A Prime Ministers Office reporter said Thursday, The chief cabinet secretary, who knows what the prime minister does every second to give enough information in briefings, so I can learn what the prime minister thinks and how he acts indirectly.
Europe has an open briefing system as well. Germany hosts a regular news briefing by the central government that is usually held after Cabinet meetings, which are held three times a week. The briefing offers what was discussed in the meeting and detailed answers to questions on all issues. The spokespeople from the central government and each department must join briefings, which can last an hour or two like a debate.