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Air and Naval Blockade of North Korea to Prevent Nuclear Warhead Export

Air and Naval Blockade of North Korea to Prevent Nuclear Warhead Export

Posted January. 12, 2004 23:15,   


A naval and air blockade of North Korea was insisted on by neo-conservative (neocon) Richard Perle, Bush’s defense policy advisor.

“We need to assure South Korea that the 1962 Cuban-style blockade is the only alternative to avoid war,” he added.

This argument came from the book titled “An End to Evil: Strategies for Victory in the War on Terror,” co-authored by Richard Perle, the former Assistant Secretary of Defense and David Frum, the former special assistant to President George W. Bush.

“North Korea can sell nuclear warheads to terrorists like Al Qaeda, which is more dangerous than a war on the Korean Peninsula,” says the book, “Japan, within the North’s missile range, agrees to this.”

He doubted that the North would agree to give up its nuclear ambitions. He also argued, “Any new agreement with North Koreans must begin by acknowledging that North Korea cannot be trusted to keep its promise.”

The book demands North Korea to dismantle its nuclear materials and missile facilities as well as accept IAEA’s permanent inspection. As North Korea will probably refuse the terms, the book says, the U.S. should either tolerate North Korea’s attempts to go nuclear or take decisive actions to stop it. Decisive action would begin with a comprehensive air and naval blockade of North Korea and cutting all intercourse with the South, according to the book.

He urged Washington to move boldly against all other sponsors of terrorism such as Syria, Lybia, and Saudi Arabia, as well as the remaining “axis of evil”-- Iran and North Korea.
