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Presidential E-Mail Messages

Posted January. 10, 2006 08:36,   


President Roh Moo-hyun sent e-mails to public servants nationwide yesterday. Roh wrote, “Let’s dramatically boost the competitiveness of the government and establish many examples regarding innovation so that the world can learn from us. Let’s enhance our national image so that the world can perceive Korea as a ‘nation in the vanguard of innovation.’”

The president continued, “I have just finished a book, ‘Jangseong County Inc.’ The book taught me that people can change the world, and education can change people. This made me reflect on ourselves if we had not underestimated the important role of education in pursuing innovation, and if we could have done more to create the right environment where more Koreans can participate in the pursuit.”

Yeon-Wook Jung jyw11@donga.com