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Armed traffic police to move to emergency mobilization

Posted October. 08, 2014 04:55,   


Traffic police should now arm themselves and mobilize to the site where emergency situation is reported. A system to efficiently and promptly respond to 112 reportings has been launched, according to the National Police Agency on Tuesday.

Traffic police can mobilize to the 112 reported scenes for "Code 0" and "Code 1," which are classified as criminal cases. Code 0 refers to two or more police stations tracking in a combined effort and Code 1 means emergency mobilization. When cases are reported, traffic police also have to come to the scene even when they are in normal duty such as drunk driving control or traffic guide.

Traffic police will also be obligated to carry weapons. Policemen who have to mobilize in urgent criminal situations have to carry firearm. Preparing for the possibility of the emergency mobilization, traffic police have to be always armed with guns, Taser guns or tear gas guns. Until now, traffic policemen used to work without being armed in certain police stations.

Traffic police were not able to access 112 reporting system, but now they can access the reporting system via portable devices. A police source said, "Mobilization for 112 reportings has been made to help swiftly mobilize policemen who are at the nearest location from the emergency criminal sites."