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Secret of YouTube stars: ‘changing viewers into manias’

Secret of YouTube stars: ‘changing viewers into manias’

Posted July. 28, 2018 07:34,   

Updated July. 28, 2018 07:34


One can easily recognize that YouTube is prevailing these days also at bookstores. As one of books on YouTube, this book is special in that this presents stories about YouTube, which its chief business officer Robert Kinsel has encountered and experienced in person.

The author emphasizes “uniqueness” as a common element of successful YouTube channels. It means that it is more important to find just a single mania who “closely follows” my contents rather than 100 viewers who only watch one or two clips. Uniqueness cannot be generated overnight. Most YouTubers who have more than 1 million followers are “always working while awake.”

Living up to its slogan “Broadcast Yourself!,” YouTube provides equal opportunities to anyone. Since YouTube does not eval‎uate the level of technique used, even a non-expert can become a YouTube star. Jenny, an old lady who runs a quilt store at a rural village in the U.S. state of Missouri, started filming quilt images with her low-resolution digital camera in 2009. The quality of the videos was poor at best, but they gained popularity nonetheless due to unique friendliness that she had to offer, and as a result, Grandma Jenny is now selling quilt articles to more than 2 million people yearly.

The stories are quite analytic and objective since different aspects of successful YouTubers are examined from a top manager’s perspective. After reading the book, you will come to wonder what kind of stories the author will tell if he meets with Korean YouTubers “Big Library” and “Grandma Park Mak-rye.”
