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Female golfer Lee Mi-rim wins at Kia Classics in 30 months

Female golfer Lee Mi-rim wins at Kia Classics in 30 months

Posted March. 28, 2017 07:30,   

Updated March. 28, 2017 07:34

Two years ago, Lee Mi-rim, who had played at the U.S. LPGA Tour Kia Classics, was the atop stretching to the third round. However, at the fourth round she was fettered by Cristie Kerr, who swang 65 hits 7 under par. Having recorded 270 hits 18 under par in total, Lee ended the game second behind Kerr as she was behind by two hits.

Two years later, a similar scene occurred. At the same competition and same place at the Aviara Golf Club in Carlsbad, California, Lee entered round 4 as a solo leader.

Lee couldn't afford to lose again. On the final day of competition on Monday at round 4, Lee hit 65 hits with six birdies and 7 under par, equalling Kerr's at the final round two years ago, and her total was also the same as the lowest hits Kerr made in the competition. Thanks to her win, Lee was able to hold a victory trophy in two years and six months since October 2014 whe she had won trophy at the Rainwood Classics. It was her third win and award money was 270,000 dollars.

Unlike two years ago, Lee kept a distant No. 1 ranking compared with the No. 2 group from the start of the final round. Starting from No. 1 hole birdie, she recorded birdies in all holes through No. 9 hole, narrowing five hits. Lee grabbled birdies in series at the 15 and 16th holes, confirm‎ing a likely victory.

She was desperate in winning, but Lee did not do the champion putt. At the last 18th hole, Lee was left with a birdie putting that ranged more than 10 meters. Heo Mi-jung, who was competing, had a ball at a shorter distance. Lee did a birdie putt first but the ball stopped just in front of the hole. It is normal that in this case, the player marks the place and dies champion putt with spectator applause after the rival ends her putt. However, Lee put the ball into the hole with a putter ending the game rather normally. She was considerate of Heo and had decided to give up the authority that champions can only enjoy.

When her victory was confirmed, Lee responded in smiles to a question of why she didn't do champion putt, by saying, "It coincided with Heo's (putt) line."

"When I blew the lead two years ago, I thought that it was because I didn't do well rather than because the rival did well," Lee said. "Today, I tried to do my best by trying to forget what happened in the past."

Heon-Jae Lee uni@donga.com