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China says Trump and Russia criticize Obama

Posted December. 31, 2016 07:13,   

Updated December. 31, 2016 07:29


China shows some hope that the Russian hacking scandal could act in its favor. Previously, China was concerned that the relations between the U.S. and Russia will be closer when the pro-Russian Trump is sworn in as the president of the U.S. on Jan. 20, 2017.

The Chinese Global Times lashed out at current situations on Friday, saying, "A strange alliance has been forging between Trump and Russia that criticize President Obama." The newspaper reported in detail that Russia promised retaliation against the Obama administration and U.S. President-elect Trump also opposed measures taken by the current administration and said that there was a fight for power between the two kings while engaging in dizzying diplomacy in the U.S.

The report pointed out current situations that Trump began to interfere in the state affairs before he inaugurates while President Obama was scrambling to nail down his policies before he left the office. Thus, the incoming and retiring presidents continued to come into conflicts. The Global Times quoted CNN that measures taken by President Obama were Executive Orders and they could be cancelled when President-elect Trump came to power.

The Chinse Global Times and other state-run media as well as scholars have stressed that the U.S. and Russia would not continue their close relations after Trump’s inauguration as they have many difficult issues to deal with such as the Ukraine crisis and Syrian civil war.

Ja-Ryong Koo bonhong@donga.com