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Novelist Richard Ford wins eighth Park Kyong-ni Literary Prize

Novelist Richard Ford wins eighth Park Kyong-ni Literary Prize

Posted September. 20, 2018 07:38,   

Updated September. 20, 2018 07:38


American writer Richard Ford (aged 74, photo) was chosen as the winner of the eighth Park Kyong-ni Literary Prize, hosted by the Toji Cultural Foundation, Commission of the Park Kyong-ni Literary Prize, Gangwon Province, Wonju City and The Dong-A Ilbo.

“Ford skillfully leverages the role of a novel by converting a series of events into the reader’s experience by portraying, rather than asserting. He depicts characters of typical American humanism, who cherish affection for all everything in life despite cynical perspectives on society,” said the judging committee.

The award was created in 2011 in honor of Korean writer Park Kyong-ni (1926-2008), who wrote the saga Toji, which later became Korea’s first world-renowned literary award. The prize money is 100 million won. This year, the award was co-sponsored by Kumho Asiana, Maronie Books, Yonsei University, MilimSyscon Co., Ltd. and Specs Co. Ltd. The awarding ceremony will take place at the Toji Cultural Hall in Wonju City of Gangwon Province at 4 p.m. on October 27.

Yeun-Kyung Cho yunique@donga.com