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Naval Review event to be held in Jeju next month

Posted September. 07, 2018 08:10,   

Updated September. 07, 2018 08:10


A Japanese maritime self-defense force ship is reported to participate with a Rising Sun Flag at the 2018 International Navel Review, which will be held at the Jeju Naval Base from Oct. 10 to 14. The flag in question is expected to spark dispute as it is notoriously known as a symbol of Japanese militarism and war crime.

The Naval Forces of Korea, the host of the event, said that though it agreed that the flag may be controversial, triggering unfavorable public sentiment, it asked for understanding from a broader perspective. In previous navel review events held in 1998 and 2008 in Korea, Japan participated with the same flag attached to its ship. The Rising Flag should be seen as a flag simply representing the Japanese Naval Forces, the Naval Forces of Korea said. Battleships put up the naval flag on the head of the ship, and the national flag at the stern.

“The Naval Review is a festive event attended by naval forces from all over the world,” said the Korean Naval Forces. "We should consider that it is international practice to put the naval forces flag on national battleships." In addition, extraterritoriality is recognized for battleships thus it Japan’s right to do as they wish.

The Naval Review will be attended by 21 battleships from 14 nations, including the U.S. Naval Army’s Donald Reagan Aircraft Carrier (97,000 tons) and a Russian cruiser, and 30 Chief of Staff and 15 generals from 45 countries. It will be the largest of its kind, with more than 50 battleships, 20 aircrafts and 10,000 people participating, including Korea. The Donald Reagan Aircraft carrier will be visiting Korea in 11 months since it entered the port of Busan for marine training purposes during North Korea’s provocations back in October last year. It will be the first time for the ship to enter the port of Jeju.

The Naval Review is an event that the commander boards the battleship and inspects naval vessels and sailors at sea. The delegates of each country will attend bilateral meetings with the Korean Navy, seminars on vessel technology and maritime weapons and other various events.

Sang-Ho Yun ysh1005@donga.com